Archives for August 2009

Day Two Creation’s Twilight Convention New Jersey

On today’s schedule are the wolfpack: Alex Meraz, Chaske Spencer, and Kiowa Gordon. Also appearing are Gil Birmingham and Edi Gathegi.

Yesterday Catherine Hardwicke and Gil Birminghams had the crowds eating out of their hands from funny set stories to touching moments. We’ll summarize it later (because twitter only gives you 140 words) but it we kinda slept in because we had so much fun and now we’re in a rush to get ready.

Follow along on Pel’s Twitter. Due to requests from twitter users we will be tweeting from Pel’s account so we don’t flood the main account. You can follow along with the Twitter box below, or by following Pel’s account directly.

Vancity Allie: It’s Graduation Day!

We knew that one of the first things that they were going to film for Eclipse was the school scenes. Producer Wyck Godfrey told us “NEVER AGAIN” would they film while school was in session because it was really problematic.

They had everything from people unexpectedly in the halls screaming when they saw Rob ( I mean wouldn’t you ask for a hall pass if Robert Pattinson was in your building filming?) to the student body looking through window from a courtyard so that the actors had a hard time concentrating because of everyone’s faces pushed into the glass.  So, it should come as no surprise that they did the school scenes yesterday since school isn’t in session up in Vancouver yet.

Vancity Allie, a local blogger about all things Vancouver, was there to capture a few photos and give her write up. See Allie’s story and more photos here.

Alice’s Theme Song

So now that we have completed polls on songs for Edward, Jacob, and Bella it’s time to look at the other characters. So what would Alice’s theme song be? I have pondered this and honestly I am having trouble thinking of one!!  I know, I know it is a sad day when I can not be inspired by music for a character.  The only thing that comes to mind is “Tiny Dancer” which has nothing to do with Alice .  Laura’s (Pel) choice is “Mysterious Ways” by U2. So help me out here and tell me what you think Alice’s theme song is.  We will run a poll next weekend.

On a completely different note  we asked Gil Birmingham what he thought Billy Black’s theme song would be and he responded “Highway to Hell”  Interesting…







Follow the Tweets: Twi-Tour New Jersey!

Today is the first day of the New Jersey Twilight Convention run by Creation Entertainment. People appearing today include Catherine Hardwicke, Edi Gathegi, and Gil Birmingham. Also, Alphie, Pel, and Be MyEscape are all panelists during the weekend.

People Magazine: Volturi Feature

This issue of People Magazine that hits news stands today has a major Volturi feature.  The picture of Charlie Bewley menacingly clutching Ashley Greene’s throat is particularly fabulous!  According to People:

“In New Moon, the second installment in Stephenie Meyer’s wildly popular Twilight saga, readers are first introduced to the ancient ruling class of vampires known as the Volturi. Determined to capture their creepy menace for his screen version opening Nov. 20, New Moon director Chris Weitz has given them custom-crafted blood-red eyes.

“They’re all hand-painted, specially manufactured contacts,” Weitz tells PEOPLE. “They’re opaque red, almost like preying mantis eyes. You can’t really see into them. There’s something terribly off-putting about it.”

There are fabulous high quality pictures on the People site, way better than the scans that leaked earlier in the week. Go check it out on People. We are not posting the pictures here at the request of People magazine.

Fansite Friday: Taylor Lautner Interview

Taylor Lautner Interview
Fansite Visit April 2009

His Golden Eyes, Imprint/Twilight Source, Twilight Lexicon, Twilighters Anonymous, Twilight Moms, Twilight Series Theories.

Transcribed by Kara from Twilight Moms.

Q: So is the wig better this year?

Taylor: You know I got to be honest it is.

Q: It looks better, much more natural.

Taylor: Thank you I think it does looks pretty natural. It’s not as itchy. It’s not in my way. We’ve got a good team. Yeah everybody’s really awesome on the set

Q: Did you actually get a tattoo??

Taylor: I did not. no no no no no.

Q: Is it henna? What did they use?? Is it a stick on?

Taylor: Yeah, just like normal tattoos like you get from the 25 cent machine. It’s obviously a little bit more than 25 cents. Yeah just stick the towel over top and water- works pretty nice. [Read more…]

Team Switzerland Friday

This week its our friends over at Twilighters Anonymous’ turn to host Team Switzerland. They have ecards, graphics and a poem.

At first I was Team Edward, with his golden eyes so stunning,
And caring ways, so humble too, and his mind is oh so cunning.
And might I add, I was rather impressed by his running!
[Although, with his alabaster skin, he is in need of sunning.]

But then Jacob came along,
And how I realised I was wrong!
He hadn’t been on the scene for long,
But soon I knew he was singing my song.

Not to mention when I saw those abs,
Definitely not an ounce of flab!
How I hyperventilated, oh it was fab.
But then reality poked me with a stab.

It was decision time.
Which of the men would be mine?
Edward who was so divine,
Or Jacob who was sublime?

Then Team Switzerland was found,
And I rejoiced, since I was no longer bound,
To choose between them, going round and round,
So from then on, it was Team Switzerland that I was crowned.

By TA member Georgia

Hop over to Twilighters Anonymous and check it all out!

Wuthering Heights a Bestseller Again Due to Eclipse

Awhile back we reported that the covers of the Emily Bronte novel were being redone to give them a more modern feel. Additionally references to Eclipse were on the cover, pointing out that the novel was one read by Bella.

Stephenie Meyer has made no secret of the fact that she was a voracious reader. She used to go through a book a week. When asked on The Host Tour what were some of the negatives she was experiencing with her new-found fame, part of her answer was that she no longer had the time to read the way that used to.

Stephenie has featured classic literature and plays in each of her novels by either referencing them directly in the storyline by having Bella and Edward reading them for a class assignment, or by talking about them in book tours, such as Pride and Prejudice, having influenced character interaction.

Well according to the UK paper, The Telegraph, Wuthering Heights, largely due to a Twilight Saga influence, has now topped the classic bestseller chart for the first time since records were kept.

“It [Wuthering Heights] has sold more than 10,000 copies in Waterstone’s booksellers stores since May, more than twice as many as the traditional Penguin Classics edition (see cover comparison to the left).

A spokesman for the chain said it was the first time Wuthering Heights had topped its classic books chart since it started compiling such figures in 1998. It has been number one in the classics chart for four months.

Simon Robertson, the company’s classics buyer, said: “I don’t think a vampire’s recommendation has ever sent a book to number one before.”

Here are the books referenced by Stephenie Meyer:

-Twilight: Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

-New Moon: Romeo and Juliet

-Eclipse: Wuthering Heights

Breaking Dawn: The Merchant of Venice and A Midsummers Night Dream

100 Monkeys Announces Major US Tour

According to today’s press release New Castle Entertainment is formally partnering with 100 Monkeys, the band Jackson Rathbone is a part of,  for a major US Tour.  New Castle is no fly-by-night company, this is big time.  They have upcoming films with Jodi Foster and Eric Roberts. In fact 100 Monkeys band member Ben Graupner is in the upcoming New Castle project Intent co-starring Eric Roberts and Seth Peterson.

100 Monkeys absolutely caught the eye of New Castle because of the multi-talented members,  “The thing that makes the band so unique is that each member can play every instrument. In between songs, one of them yells ‘switcharoo’ and they all switch instruments. It’s amazing to see musicians that can play six or seven different instruments without missing a beat. There’s never a dull moment when they’re on stage,” said Tim Crockett of New Castle Entertainment.

According to New Castle,  the band is in talks with Saturday Night Live to be the musical guests the week of November 20th when New Moon hits theaters. They will also have a CD signing at Barnes & Noble in New York City the same week. Their concert on September 12th will be at The Rickshaw Theatre at 8pm. It’s a historic Chinese theatre that was built in the 50’s and was recently updated and re-opened as a music venue. 100 Monkeys will be picking two lucky winners from the audience for a meet & greet with the band. Tickets are only $20 and it’s an all ages show. For more information, visit

Twilight Survives the End of the World

According to MTV, Sony pictures put up the question, ““What Would You Take With You In 2012?” Web site, set up as a viral marketing tool for November’s apocalyptic thriller “2012.”

Well not surprising to us, but perhaps surprising to the folks over at Sony, Twilight won. In fact Twilight won and we don’t really remember this particular poll being hyped on the fansites, ours or other sites. So, it really says something when Twilight beat out major competiton.

Check out the whole story on MTV.