David Slade Reveals Eclipse Mountain Vista

David Slade it back on Twitter again. This time it’s a Twitpic of the mountain top location. Can we say sleeping bag anyone?

Poor David is having a bit of a rough time. Recent filming at Jacob’s house caused him to have an allergy attack because the place is a working goat farm. Now is bringing us the mountain scenes David tweeted, “6am mountain. A black bear strayed close to us. We shoot solid through, sunburnt and tired we return at sunset.”

Twilight Saga Twitter Round Up

From the Twitter of David Slade, we have another Taylor Lautner picture.

David also Tweeted that “Rehearsals with Kristen, Billy Burke and Rob yesterday. Third week of shooting just hours away. Preparation, preparation preparation.”
Peter Facinelli was also busy on Twitter. Peter talked about his experience raising money for a children’s hospital,

“Yesterday… I visited the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon yesterday morning. The courage I saw in the faces of these sick children is something I will never forget. Their smiles were stronger than any disease. Even the sickest of the group I met were determined that yesterday be a good day. I spent the morning with them in awe of their strength. Not only their strength but the strength of their family members supporting them. It made me very aware how much health is taken for granted. I pray they win their fight and can return home again soon.”  Read the rest here

Nikki Reed also guest Tweeted on Peter’s Account, “Hi Nikki Reed here… Sitting with Fach. Just searched and found dozens of posers. I don’t have Twitter. Please don’t follow them!!! Scary! I don’t have Myspace either.”

David Slade Tweets Set Pictures

David Slade, the director of Eclipse, has been twittering away again from the set of Eclipse. This time he’s treated us to a picture of Taylor Lautner in make-up and a behind the scenes look at “sound booties”

Taylor: “Mr Taylor Lautner. A photo I took during early camera lighting tests. Not a whisker in sight.”

Sound Booties: “SOUND BOOTS the sound of a crew moving picks up so we have stylish boots when we are on noisy ground.”

Follow David on Twitter here.

New Shooting Problem: The Plane, The Plane!

Since they are shooting Eclipse in the summer and not in the winter, it looks like David Slade has not, as of yet, had to contend with the weather issues that his predecessors did. You know, things like unexpected downpours, gale force winds, and hail…all on the same day.

Have no fear, he’s discovering another local Vancouver problem: air traffic. We witnessed this ourslef during our set visit where Chris Weitz would set up a shot and then they’d have to wait for the planes.

David recently tweeted the following:

Shot with Rob and Kristen today, both gave great performances. Lots of frustrating noisy planes overhead but beautiful scene regardless.”

Wrapped first week, probably most challenging week of our shoot. Last night Xavier Samuels delivered as astonish power performance, all good.”

Don’t worry about David. He’s found some time to relax. He attended a Dead Weather (if that name isn’t ironic in light of where he’s shootin gwe don’t know what is) concert.

David Slade Rejoins Twitter

Eclipse director, David Slade, has rejoined Twitter. His icon picture seen left (we think) is from the his featurette Meat Dog What’s Fer Dinner?

Peter Facinelli is the one who pointed out the Twitter’s existence. Currently the Twitter account is talking about a video that David made for UNICEF in conjunction with MTV to reach a wide audience on the dangers and horrors of human trafficking.

You can friend David’s Twitter account here.

You can catch his very moving video here on the UNICEF CHANNEL(read the comments that go along with the video, they really explain the full legnth of the project.)

David just did his first Eclispe related Tweet,Reading Stephenie’s notes on latest script draft, we are in very good shape.”

David Slade: FearNet Interview Take 2

As many of you observed in our comments the David Slade interview sounded a little off on FearNet. Some of the quotes didn’t really make sense. Well there’s a perfectly logical explanation, apparently somewhere along the line David got misquoted, and FearNet has revised the article(we bolded some differences but there are others), notably:

“What will differ about Slade’s Twilight? “I don’t really know.  We haven’t even started shooting yet.”  While the director says he has a basic idea of what he wants to do with it, he is more concerned with telling a good story than being “different.”  “It is darker, and there is a lot more action than the previous two,” he admits.  “The third book is from Bella’s point of view, but the film will be more objective.”  And just how will he do that?  “We are going to focus on the origin stories of several characters, like Jasper, and show how Bella will decide between Edward and Jacob.”

David didn’t read the books until the studio was interested in bringing him in – then he did his homework.  “It was tough for a middle-aged man to get into,” he admits, “from the point of view of a 17 year old girl. But once I got past that, I found them to be really good stories.”  He is especially excited about the great script from Dexter writer/producer Melissa Rosenberg.  Right now, they are still in preproduction, with plans to start shooting later in the year.”

Read the whole rewrite here.

FearNet Interviews David Slade

FearNet caught up with David Slade at the Dark Delicacies signing the other night and here is what he had to say in regards to Eclipse:

“…“I don’t really know.  We haven’t even started shooting yet.”  While the director says he has a basic idea of what he wants to do with it, he is more concerned with telling a good story than being “different.”  “It is darker, and there is a lot more action than the previous two,” he admits.  “The third book is from Bella’s point of view, but the film will be more objective.”  And just how will he do that?  “We are going to focus on the origin stories of several characters, like Jacob, and show how Bella will decide between Edward and Jacob.”

Last Airbender and Eclipse Go head-To-Head

USA Today has an article featuring the first set photos of The Last Airbender, the M. Night Shyamalan film that Jackson Rathbone is currently shooting in Philadelphia. The photos and article make it clear that ( as you would expect in this series if you know the plot ) that the action sequences are going to be awesome especially since two of the leads are able to do many of their own stunts given that they have a martial arts background.

However there is a more interesting fact revealed in the article: “the show that opens July 2, 2010” that’s two days after Eclipse opens. So it looks like Jackson’s film and Eclipse are going to be battling for your box office dollar the same weekend.

What do you think the battle with Victoria and the newborn army as directed by David Slade, or the battle to regain control of a world directed by M. Night Shyamalan which will win out at the box office?

Melissa Rosenberg Gives Thumbs Up to Slade

Melissa Rosenberg updated her Facebook page regarding Eclipse director David Slade.

“Finally got to spend some time with our new director for Eclipse, David Slade. And I gotta say, he’s great. Very smart, funny, creative. I already knew he was a really talented and visual filmmaker, but now I know he’s terrific to work with as well. Collaborative and, most important (from a writer’s point of view) smart about story, character and emotional arcs. He gets it. And he’s going to make Eclipse into a fantastic movie. So relax Eclipse fans! We’re in good hands.”


David Slade Addresses The Eclipse Concerns

Yesterday we received a call from Summit giving us the heads up that David Slade would be personally emailing us to address the yesterday’s biggest news story, his comments on the Twilight movie that he made during a radio call-in program back in November.

It’s a good thing they called  because we’re fairly certain that we wouldn’t have believed someone emailing in claiming to be David Slade. In fact his email went to our spam box where we just found it. It was sent last night circa 10:00pm.

According to our contact, David is a really decent and down-to-earth guy who was genuinely concerned about what happened, and wanted to address it personally, not just rely on a studio press release.

In any case, here is David, unedited and  in his own words:

“Dear Laura and Lori

I would be grateful if you could distribute this statement to the fans of Twilight:I would like to address some statements that I made regarding Twilight.

When I made these comments, I had neither seen the film nor read the books. I was promoting a comedy short film that I had made for Xbox and every pop culture subject was seen as a possible comedy target. I was being silly and none of the statements were from the heart.

Of course, I have since seen the movie and read the books and was quickly consumed with the rich storytelling and the beautifully honest characters that Stephenie Meyer created.

I would like to reassure everyone involved that I am invested in making the best film that I am humanly capable of, and that I am acutely aware of the power of the original books we serve.

Please be rest assured this statement is absolutely from the heart.

yours sincerely