Last Airbender and Eclipse Go head-To-Head

USA Today has an article featuring the first set photos of The Last Airbender, the M. Night Shyamalan film that Jackson Rathbone is currently shooting in Philadelphia. The photos and article make it clear that ( as you would expect in this series if you know the plot ) that the action sequences are going to be awesome especially since two of the leads are able to do many of their own stunts given that they have a martial arts background.

However there is a more interesting fact revealed in the article: “the show that opens July 2, 2010” that’s two days after Eclipse opens. So it looks like Jackson’s film and Eclipse are going to be battling for your box office dollar the same weekend.

What do you think the battle with Victoria and the newborn army as directed by David Slade, or the battle to regain control of a world directed by M. Night Shyamalan which will win out at the box office?