Hunger Games Trailer to Appear in Front of Breaking Dawn?

For those of you who have been in the fandom awhile you might remember the movie Penelope and its DVD. It was significant because it was the first time we would see Twilight footage as an extra on that DVD. Lots of people who were otherwise not that interested in the movie went and rented it to see the DVD extras. They came away James McAvoy fans…but I digress.

There was lots of debate in 2008 where the first trailer would be. Do you remember bets on it running in front of The Dark Knight? In any case, one of the things that came out at that time was a debate on whether fans would go to the movies just to see a trailer in front of a film they might not have been that interested in.

Hypable is reporting that:

The evidence towards a trailer arriving with The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 continues to stack up. Today a photo of a sheet of paper allegedly being given to theaters requests that a “full length trailer” be put in front of Breaking Dawn.

The paper notes that the trailer is 2 minutes and 30 seconds in length (the same as the trailer approved in Canada last week) and should be included with “every print of Twilight in your theaters.”

They also have an image as proof.

Now there is definitely a huge crossover between Hunger Games fans and Twilight fans, but do you think Hunger Games fans who aren’t Breaking Dawn fans will show up just to see a trailer? On the other hand, do you think Twilight fans who have not read The Hunger Games books will get sucked into Hunger Games from seeing a trailer in front of Breaking Dawn? For that matter what other trailers do you think might be in front of Breaking Dawn?

Twilight Saga Teaser Reveals: A History

Here are the Twilight Saga Teasers to compare. Which one do you think did the best job? Do you think Breaking Dawn 1 can top your favorite?

MSN: New Eclipse Trailer Exclusive

Check it out on MSN.

Eclipse Trailers Put Together

A fan has combined the various Eclipse Trailers in this Mashup.

Via His Golden Eyes

Reelz Channel Trailer Analysis

Reelz Channel is chiming in with their thoughts on the final trailer for The Twilight Saga: Eclispe.  They take it scene by scene and very nearly frame by frame.  The commentary is rather quirky and somewhat snarky with lots of little bits that made me laugh such as: “From the worldwide bestseller” appears on screen, y’know, just in case you didn’t know the movie was based on a book.

The Hillywood Show Watches the Eclipse Trailer

So we were backstage waiting for the Official Twilight Convention in VA to start and we realized that Oprah had the trailer on her site. So, we showed it to Hannah, Hillary, Drew, Jacob, and Kyle of the Hillywood Show who were about to go on stage to open the convention. We recorded it on a Flip and the editing software was being EVIL it wouldn’t let us name the file so it ended up as being “video 41” by default…go figure.

Make sure you stop by the Hillywood site and let them know what you think! Also the girls are fundraising for their next parody. If you enjoy their stuff consider giving them a donation.

Early Trailer Reaction Video: Team Two Year Old Checking In!

Remember we want your reaction videos from EVERY generation! Send them to [email protected]!

Eclipse Trailer Reaction: Team 20 Somethings

Who said only the two year olds loved it! Let’s hear it for Team 20 Something from screams to tears!

MTV: Shot by Shot Analysis of the Eclipse Trailer

MTV breaks down all the finer points you may not have noticed.

“Shot 21: Wolves and Vampires going at it, real end-of-the-world stuff, dogs and cats, living together (

Shot 21: Title card: ” … The World is Waiting For.”

Shot 22: We see Edward handing Bella a jewelry box and smiling. Clearly, he’s decided to take Beyoncé’s advice.

Shot 23: Jacob in his workshop, pounding his fist against a bench. Something tells me it’s not because he screwed up the frame on his soapbox car.

Shot 24: The new Victoria, Bryce Dallas Howard, sprints through the woods while bouncing from tree to tree.

Shot 25: Gratuitous no-shirt-Taylor shot! Hey, Slade is showing impressive restraint: It took him 1:14 into the trailer.

Shot 26: Victoria squares off against Edward and Bella in the snow. Looks pretty.

Shot 27: Edward topples the tree, knocking Victoria over a canyon. ”

See the rest on MTV

Fearnet’s 8 things to love about the new trailer!

Fearnet has a list of eight things they loved about the new Eclipse trailer.  They include a look at David Slade’s darker side of the saga, the creepiness of the newborn army, the brief hint at the tent scene, and so much more!  To read the whole story, visit their website.  Be sure to let us know what your favorite moment of the trailer was!

Also, Twi-fans has 180 screencaps of the trailer for your viewing pleasure!