Anna Kendrick Snags Golden Globe Nomination

The Golden Globe Award nominees were announced today. The Golden Globes are considered to be one of the key predictors of the upcoming Oscar nomination, though this is not fool proof.

Anna Kendrick is nominated in Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Pictures for her work in the Film Up In the Air co-starring George Clooney. Anna has some stiff competition with co-star Vera Farmiga also nominated, Oscar nominee Julianne Moore, and Oscar winner Penelope Cruz:

Mo-Nique: Precious
Julianne Moore: A Single Man
Anna Kendrick: Up in the Air
Vera Farmiga: Up in the Air
Penelope Cruz: Nine

See an explanation of the nominees here.


Anna Kendrick on Winning the NBR Award

Anna Kendrick talks about winning the NBR ( National Board of Review ) Best Supporting Actress award. Crossing our fingers that she gets to make more speeches like this come Golden Globes and Oscars!

Marc Malkin Praises Anna Kendrick

Marc Malkin from E! is the latest person to sing Anna Kendrick’s praises for her performance in Up In The Air.

December 15th is the magic day when the Golden Globe Nominations are announced. The Golden Globes serve as Oscar indicators, though it’s certainly not fool proof. If Anna’s name is not on the nominees’  list, more than a few Hollywood insiders will be shocked.

Tonight much of the Twilight cast is slated to be at the Golden Globes’ annual Young Hollywood Party. According to their site and other press releases Ashley Greene, Nikki Reed, Taylor Lautner, Alex Meraz, Anna Kendrick, Edi Gathegi, Kellan Lutz and Christian Serratos will be there. Look for some stunning Red Carpet photos tomorrow. It’s definitely one of those see and be seen events.

Anna Kendrick on Making Of

Ever wonder why Anna Kendrick is is AnnaKendrick47 on Twitter? Find out the answer to that and more.

TY to Barrett

Twilight Saga Stars Other Projects on the Horizon

So out of these, which one are you looking forward to the most?

Jackson Rathbone in Dread.

“Rathbone describes Dread as a Kinsey-esque study of fear. “It has those base elements: What are you afraid of? Why are those urban legends urban legends? Why are they told over and over again? Because, those ideas are scary. There have been many documented cases of a complete stranger murdering many people and getting away with it and no one ever knowing why. It’s very rare that you’ll find a film or a piece of literature that delves into the mind of someone that’s been affected by that and what they do to get over it. We all have something in our lives that causes that dread, that inspired it and that’s kind of what we’re trying to get to the root of in this film. Barker’s story did it with such lyrical prose. It’s just beautiful and the imagery is haunting, it really is. We filmed scenes that just made a lot of people sick. Not just because of the gruesome element, but the idea of those situations where you’re like, ‘Yeah, if I was in that situation what would I do?’ And you know what you do a lot of times and you just wouldn’t ever want to think about it.”

Anna Kendrick in Up In The Air

“Q: What did you enjoy most about your character, Natalie?

Anna: I love that she’s unapologetically ambitious. I don’t have that and I wouldn’t really want that for myself, but I admire it so much, in her. I love that she’s independent and strong. I know that the audience really falls for her, after she completely melts down, and I love her even when she’s in her bratty mode. There was almost a desire for me to not show as much as Jason [Reitman] wanted me to show, and keep her protected and not give as much away because I feel protective of her and I wanted her to maintain her dignity. I love her, even when she’s a nightmare… I think she’s a control freak, and I think I’m a control freak, but we react to being out of our element in very different ways. I get more awkward and I fumble and things immediately fall apart. And, Natalie’s rigidity and self-awareness increases exponentially, when she feels out of control. She tries to cling to anything that she can control or keep orderly, whether it’s her hair or her computer. It makes for some very interesting comedy.”

Robert Pattinson in Remember Me.

Kristen Stewart in The Yellow Hankerchief

Fansite Interview: Team Human!

About 10 different Twilight fansites had a phone interview with Anna and Mike. The questions are from the following websites: Twilight Examiner, Twilight Series Theories, Twilight Facebook, Twilight Moms, His Golden Eyes, Twilighters, Twilighters Anonymous, Twilight Superfan, Twilight Source/Imprint, Bella and Edward, Twilight Lexicon.

Q:  In New Moon you have a kind of love triangle going on.  I’m curious to see how that ended up playing out for you.
M: There are a couple of different love triangles there.  There’s obviously the one between Bella and Jacob and Edward that Mike is trying to squeeze into.  More of a love rectangle.  And I guess there’s the one between Mike and Jessica and Bella.  You know, Jessica likes Mike.  Mike likes Bella.  Everybody likes Bella. And it sort of doesn’t turn out great for Mike or Jessica.  A lot of this is very indicative of high school heart ache in general, but it’s sort of heightened with these supernatural characters.
Q:  Both of you have a background in theatre.  I wanted to know how that has helped you with your roles for Twilight and New Moon?
A: Well on a logistical note, there was a scene when Jessica and Bella go to the movies, when we were shooting that outside there were like hundreds of girls standing and watching as we shot it.  It was just a nice tool to have experience in front of a live audience.  It seems like a silly comparison, but honestly it helped to kind of block out the fact that all these fans were watching us and to try to just focus on the scene and ignore the fact that they’re all kind of videotaping us from the side lines.

Q: What was your favorite scene to shoot?

Mike: My favorite scene by far was the kind of three way date that happened between Mike and Bella and Jacob.  That horribly awkward moment when Mike asks Bella out to the movies and she tries to turn it into a group thing and then it ends up being the worst case scenario which is that that three way thing.  You know, I’m sure it was certainly not a lot of fun for Mike to go through.  I mean, I can relate, as I’m sure a lot of us can, but it was a lot of fun to do.
Anna: And I would have to say that there is a scene where Jessica and Bella go to the movies.  That was fun because Jessica really likes to talk about herself and Bella is really depressed.  She’s not saying much.  We were just kind of trying to do it all in one take, and Chris told me to just keep talking until we came to a natural stop.  So I stopped and just kind of monologued as flighty, silly Jessica which was a blast.
Q: Does having different directors and different visions for different movies cause any confusion for how you should play your character?
Mike: I think that the directors that we’ve had are very different in terms of style and process, but there seems to be a singular vision in terms of our characters.  Everyone seems to be pretty unanimous about it, and that basically is that we are there to add levity to the franchise and to just represent normalcy in Bella’s life.  Represent  just kind of a real high school experience to give the story some grounding so that people are able to believe the more supernatural fantasy elements.

Q: You talked about the monologueing.  Can you give us some examples of ad-libbing that you were able to do?

Anna: Well, I don’t want to give anything away.  Honestly, we were doing these takes where I just had to keep talking to fill space.  So I am wondering what exactly it was that I ended up saying just as much as anybody.  So I’m looking forward to seeing it and finding out because I have almost no idea what I ended up saying.
Q: You guys are both so great about adding that comedic element into the movies.  You both seem to be able to say a thousand words with your facial expressions.  So I was just curious who were your comedic inspirations as actors?

Mike: Well, for me the whole reason I became an actor was because of Jim Carrey.  I probably watched Ave Ventura Pet Detective a thousand times as a kid.  Man, other than that, a lot of comedic inspiration and actors… guys like… I’m just going to stick with Jim Carrey for now because he sort of jump started the whole thing for me.

Anna: I would have to say Parker Posey has been a favorite of mine for a long time and all the players involved in Christopher Guest films.  But then at the same time more traditional ladies of comedy, you know, the Tina Fey and Kristen Wiigs of the world are very inspirational, I think, as far as women in comedy go.

Q: New Moon is definitely a darker film, but can we expect the same humor that we got form your characters in Twilight?
Anna: I hope so.  I hope that we add some humor, that certainly was the goal.  The films do get darker but the scripts seem to include a little bit for the humans to do, as Mike said, to kind of add a realism and a grounding point for a franchise that is set in a fantasy world.
Mike: Yeah.  What’s a lot of fun for me is that the high school kids really are very isolated from the rest of the story, so even if the overall tone does get more intense as we go along, our role really doesn’t change in that respect.

Q:  This question is for Anna. Melissa Rosenburg, the screen writer, said that she wrote your role kind of as a combination of Jessica Stanley and Lauren Mallory.  I was wondering if you keep that in mind or do you just kind of stick with Jessica’s mind set.
Anna: I have heard that and I know that she wrote some elements in to incorporate both characters.   I know that they are both kind of the alpha female mean girls of the novels.  One thing about my playing this role was that I felt like the only real way for me to play a girl who, in spite all accounts, should really be tall, thin, and blonde, was just kind of make it really desperate and needy and just a girl who is constantly trying to be liked, and comes of a little pathetic doing it.  So I know that elements of both of those characters are incorporated into the script.  I think the humans have a little more leeway in terms of how we play our characters.  It really only made sense to play it a little awkward and a little desperate.  But really, underneath it all, that’s really what those girls are.  It made sense for me.  That may be what it is on paper, but there’s  only so much I can do to make it kind of mean girl-y.
Q:  What’s the most rewarding things that you’ve been able to do with the fame that you’ve achieved from Twilight.  If it’s charitable or something with a fan.  What’s the most memorable experience due to your fame from Twilight.

One of the things that I – well really it was a mutual decision that my family and I made really early on is to be committed to some kind of charity work as a way of just keeping me grounded and keeping a good perspective while working in the entertainment industry.  So I have been working with an organization called “Kids With a Cause” for a number of years and we’ve done a lot of really great work.  It’s sort of in transition right now.  With this franchise – with Twilight specifically I was able to raise a decent amount of money for “Kids With a Cause” that went to help feed a lot of kids.  We go down to orphanages in Mexico quite often and bring a lot of supplies and things that they may need.  You know, generally it’s not really charity if you talk about it, but it’s been an incredibly rewarding experience.  And that aspect of it – I wouldn’t trade for anything.
[Read more…]

Let’s Hear It For the Humans!

The Calgary Herald has an interview with perhaps the most underlooked people in the Twilight Saga franchise: Team Human.

“Sure, New Moon’s vampires and werewolves may get all the attention, but it’s Bella’s gang of high school friends who keep the movie centered in reality. Anna Kendrick, Michael Welch, Justin Chon and Christian Serratos (who play Jessica, Mike, Eric and Angela, respectively) talk about providing the franchise’s comic relief and keeping it real as mortals amongst all the supernatural shenanigans.”

Check out what Justin Chon, Anna Kendrick, Mike Welch and Christian Serratos had to say.

Anna Kendrick: Up In The Air Trailer 2

HitFix is betting that Anna Kendrick receives a Best Supporting Actress nomination for this role. What do you think of it from the clips.

The folks at the Palm Springs Film Festival seem to agree. They awarded Anna their Rising Star Award.

Black Book Magazine Features Twilight Stars

Black Book Magazine has two featurettes on Twilight stars.

First up is Anna Kendrick sporting a sultry almost retro Ann Margaret look. When asked how she felt about all the attention she is getting for her new film, Up In The Air, which co-stars George Clooney, Anna said:

“I’m allowing myself to think about the possibility that this could be a big deal, because I think the worst thing would be to get caught off guard.”

You can catch the rest of Anna’s article here.

Next is Jamie Campbell Bower who has three major items coming up in teh near future: New Moon, The Prisnoer with Ian McKellan, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. When asked what it was like being on the set of New Moon, Jamie responded:

“I was terrified.I was like, Oh my God, what am I doing? Am I saying the right things? Am I being cool? I don’t know if I’m cool! These cats better like me!”

See the rest of Jamie’s article here.

MTV: Anna Kendrick, I’m Still Me

See the rest of Anna’s interview on MTV.