Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on the Beach at Isle Esme Location

Well, you knew they didn’t truck all that extra sand in for nothing! We are going to put these below a spoiler cut. It’ s not a huge plot reveal, but since it’s Isle Esme, an actual filmed moment, and some people are trying to stay spoiler free, it’s under a spoiler cut. All images from Ego and IG via Foforks


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Breaking Dawn Filming: The Fan Experience in Brazil

As we guessed yesterday, no one was able to get footage at the Isle Esme location. With a 200 yard perimeter and tarps covering the windows(see photo above), the flotilla of fans and press at sea weren’t able to get anything. The weather initially wasn’t that great, and the dedicated were out there  in rain and choppy seas. See the report on Veja

Fans were also out there like this group from Foforks.

They got up at 5:30 in the morning, traveled several hours to get to Paraty, and rented a boat in bad weather. Check out their story here.

Then there are the fans who actually live in the restricted area where the cast is staying(They rented property there). They actually had the identification necessary to…well… get home.

Nonetheless, the cast in that area is accompanied by tight security and body guards. However, they caught Robert Pattinson’s eye and he must have thought they looked pretty harmless and he cam over and gave them autographs. They saw Kristen too, but she stuck with her body guards. See the whole story on Team Twilight Brazil

Another fan from Foforks made it to the waterfall area where she tried to present Rob and Kristen with a homemade flag.

“The day before their arrival in Paraty, Julia Marques and I were looking for a gift for them, just so they could remember Brazil and take a souvenir with them. We had good ideas, but I remembered a flag my sister had made to go to a concert. And we decided to do a similar one for them. I started doing it at 6:30 p.m. and got to finish it at 10 p.m. It was pretty. I went to bed with my head spinning…We took the bus and then met her uncle, who would take us to Taquari. We went to a an area where there are a lot of waterfalls, but there were no cars, it was all really desert, and it was 9:30 a.m…We ran up to where they allowed us and we sat quietly…Helpers started to arrive. Julia and I became friends with most of them, who gave us chairs, shade and water. We showed them our flag and they were hopeful for us. When it was about 3 p.m., Kristen came down to change her outfit. We saw her going up in white bikini and shorts. She was gorgeous! My vision of her is of a porcelain doll, white, short, her hair in contrast. We started screaming: KRISTEN, KRISTEN!” Read more n English on Foforks

Filming Inside the Isle Esme House Today

BlogTwiBrasil has some really excellent translation of a story that originates here. Click for full spoilers.

“Às 10h30, os atores iniciaram a filmagem dentro da casa e por volta de 13h30 eles foram vistos na praia particular, localizada em frente à mansão, que vem servindo de locação para a quarta saga do filme.

At 10h30 am, the actors began shooting inside the house and around  1h30 pm they were seen on the private beach, located in front of the mansion.

A movimentação de funcionários da produção do longa teve início na hospedagem pouco depois de 8 da manhã. Antes desse horário, o tempo estava muito ruim na região, com ventos fortes e céu nublado. Após esse horário, as nuvens se dissiparam e o sol surgiu.

The movement of production employees began shortly after 8 am. Before, the weather was bad in the region with strong winds and cloudy skies. After this time, the clouds dissipated and the sun came up.”
The long and short of it comes down to, as we earlier reported, with the public held at bay 200 yards off-shore and filming inside, unless they come out on the beach, no one will see a thing. Given the weather, we hope the flotilla off shore is not sea sick.
For background info on who owns this FABULOUS property, check out Twilightish.

Two Filming Locations Today:Post Edited As New Info Comes In

Here is the latest:

  • Filming in the waterfall area began early today
  • The area is not accessible barriers and security have the area sealed off
  • The most you can see are crew trucks(see photos)
  • Stephenie Meyer is not at this location but it is believed that Rob and Kristen and their doubles are
  • Filming should shift later today to the Isle Esme location
  • It is believed that Stephenie Meyer will be at the Isle Esme location
  • There is a veritable flotilla of boats piled with photographers and fans anchored off the island at the 200 yard perimeter established and patrolled by the Brazilian navy. Anyone attempting to break the perimeter will have to deal with the Brazilian navy

We will update this post with anything new.

Photos and source 1, source 2, source 3

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