Volvo Contest and Forks Filming

Volvo just started their contest to send fans to the Eclipse premiere. You can sign up here for a chance to see Eclipse at the LA Premiere.

Now clearly Volvo has something else up their sleeve, because according to the Dazzled by Twilight store/tour company located in Forks, Volvo was filming in Forks just before Memorial Day Weekend. According to the Dazzled by Twilight Facebook page:

“Remember last year’s Volvo: What Drives Edward contest? Well this year’s sounds like it’s going to be even better: It’s set in Forks! I managed to grab a few words with the director and he told me they were planning something really special for the fans.“Eclipse is all about choice. We wanted to give fans a chance to st…ep inside the world of Twilight and decide their destiny for themselves.”I’ve learned it starts June 22nd.Sounds really exciting!”

So stand by because something is coming.

Washington’s King5 TV Covers Forks and the Twilight Experience

Check out Dazzled By Twilight here.

Forks Prepares For Edward’s Birthday

In case you are going to be in Forks for Edward’s birthday, you can celebrate with other fans in an event run by Dazzled By Twilight.

The group also runs tours of the La Push and Forks area.