More Twilight Tuesday

Ok, they have now posted the story that goes along with the interview you watched last night. 

And you can also read Larry’s blog about the interview and asks Twilighters:


 "Are you Team Jacob, Team Edward, or Team Switzerland?"

And remember that you can always submit a video response to any of the Twilight Tuesdays here.

Twilight Tuesday

Twilight Tuesday is up and LIVE!  Meet Jacob Black/Taylor Lautner!  (And yes we know he switched two words in the quote, please don’t fill up the comments remarking on that statement.  He did very well on the spot with MTV!)

There will most likely be a blog commentary on the video or an article write up posted later tonight or early tomorrow.  We will update this post with those links once they are available.  In the mean time… 

An MTV staffer now hooked on Twilight has some questions for the fans.  They are all common questions that new readers to the fandom have, so head on over and share your Lexicon knowledge with her!

in the News

A movie critique blog posted about the up coming film.  You may recognize the name of the author on this blog.  He is the very same author mentioned on Stephenie’s website as her favorite movie critic Eric D. Snider.


There is a very interesting tidbit about the ASTRONOMICAL release date of Breaking Dawn on Twilight Series Theories.


Seth updated Stephenie’s site with the links to all her Best Seller lists as well as the links to the LA times Backlot and the newly launched Twilight Movie site.

Has a wonderful article on the recent Stephenie Signing in Utah.  I think you may recognize a few names mentioned in the article!

Be sure to post some great comments on all of these sites! 

And speaking of the Utah signing.  The ever lovely Geo has taken a wonderful video of the Host Q&A from the May 16th signing.


Special Edition Eclipse Pre-Order

 We are now just 2 weeks away from the release of the Special Edition Eclipse!  This special edition will include not one, but two exclusive tee shirt transfers, the book jacket will unfold to reveal the long awaited cover for Breaking Dawn, and the first chapter of Breaking Dawn will be included in the back of the book! 

Don’t miss its release May 31st, Pre-order today.

While in the past, Stephenie has been allowed to post the first chapter on her website, she is not expecting to be allowed to do that this time around.  If she is allowed to do so, it will most likely not be posted until a week or two before Breaking Dawns release on August 2nd. 

The cover of Breaking Dawn, however, will be on her website as well as many book sellers shortly there after.

First wave of vids from SLC

Pel and I have both returned from our quick trip west to SLC and are getting back to real life.  We had a great time and were taken good care of by the SLTA ladies.  Pel has been busy uploading the various bits of film footage we took while we were there.   Here are just a few to get us started this morning.  We will have much more as the day goes on including the Q&A and pics of all the great Host related t-shirts we saw! 

Preview inside the venue

The very, very, very long line

Counting down to opening the doors

Getting Host Tatoos

The Host Family t-shirts

The following video of the May 17th The Host signing Q&A is courtsey of Geo:




In the News

Rachelle Lefevre had a short interview on E!News.  An official clip was not availble.  But there is a recording of it on youtube.

Kaleb, the Twilight guy has posted a video blog page of his journey through reading the books.  Be sure to read his wonderful tribute to Stephenie as the Ultimate Mom (Make a comment and tell him what you think!)  as well as some of his favorite comments leading up to the article.  For those of you who missed our Salute to the Twilight Guy, you can read it here.

Pel is, at this moment, working to put together the Salt Lake signing report.  We should have that for you either late tonight or early tomorrow.  Alphie and Pel had a wonderful time.  A special thank you to the lovely ladies of the SLCTA group who played host to them on their trip. 

Edit: Geeks of doom has listed Twilight as a must read before seeing the movie. (Thanks to Roki for the heads up.)


Our beloved Mike/Mike has updated his blog.   You all know him, and love him…He is after all our favorite human!


 We have been given permission to post a copy of Mike’s blog entry here at the Lexicon.   

  Hey friends and allies,

Mike/Mike here. I hope you’re having a wonderful day and eating nutritiously…

I’ve been trying to work out more, lately. It’s hard! I don’t like it at all. I love sports and general activity, and I feel great when I start to get some definition going on, but it’s incredibly difficult to maintain any kind of consistency in routine. And if I skip a day, I’m back to my standard 12-year old body. Plus, without a decent protein intake for the day, fagetaboutit! All that painful unpleasantness leaves me with very little reward, and I get discouraged dag-nabbit!

Twilight nation, you came through for me for when I was low on socks as if I were an inescapable, obligatory burden to you and your family. So I’ve decided that you’re going to be my new life advisors and maybe even therapists in addition to your current role as friendly acquaintances and loyal compadres. So I ask you… Does anyone have any "getting in shape" advice for someone who immensely dislikes the process of getting in shape?

But enough about me. How are you?! Hey, Twilight’s coming out pretty soon! How bout that? That’s exciting eh? I’m sure these next seven months will just FLY by!… I’m going to be featured on an upcoming MTV Twilight Tuesday. A fella named Larry Carroll did the interview and he was cooler than Billy Dee Williams (let’s see if anyone connects the dots on THAT reference). Go easy on me, it was my first interview in a while. I haven’t done THAT many interviews in my life. Mainly because no large group of people has ever been interested in what I have to say until recently. It’s a little intimidating, I’ll be honest. There are a lot of elements of today’s "celebrity" culture that make me cringe. It has nothing to do with you guys. But I have to say, being in what appears to be a potentially huge film franchise, hence, putting me in a position to be in the beginning stages of entering this "celebrity" world is scary. I’m grateful for the opportunity and I’m having a blast, but it’s scary. Well, I guess I’m not that worried. After all, it’s just Mike Newton! J But whatever happens, I think I’ll be up for it. I guess we’ll see…

NOW it’s time to do some pushups. I’m not gonna lie, this blog was a procrastination. Checking in with my Twi-hards is a perfectly reasonable excuse for not working out. I’m a really good procrastinator. Probably the best in my family! In fact, the only two things I KNOW I’m good at are acting, and putting off tomorrow what could and should be done today. I’m gonna make a great father. "Don’t worry little Johnny, you can do your homework tomorrow! Now play. Be free! Rules are for squares!" That’s all for now my fellow humans.



Stockport, UK Borders Release Party

From Jenny a Borders UK employee,

I work at a Borders store in the UK, and I am trying to organise a Breaking Dawn/Twilight day on the 2nd August, at our store. We have been told that any events will have to be store organised, as not all stores are doing anything for the release.

We have also been informed today that there can be no BD midnight release parties in the UK, as we are not legally allowed to sell the book until 4.01am, due to embargo laws (and something to do with the US release being at 12.01am).

My manager has said, however, that we can open our store an hour early, and hold events through-out the day, as long as we can generate some interest. I know how popular Stephenie is in our store and locally, as she is pretty much our biggest selling author at the moment. But, I think my manager will need proof.

Would anyone be interested in a Breaking Dawn release day? I need some evidence (ie. print-out of comments etc…) to show that it would be a worthwile event for us.

I work at Borders in Stockport, which is close to Manchester, in the UK. I REALLY want to do something on the release day (as you can probably tell, I’m a crazy obsessed Twilight fan), and thought I’d ask you for help as you are the leading Twilight site, and have a lot of UK visitors.

Well UK Twilighters?  Are you interested?

Edit:  Jenny has created a facebook account for those interested in the release party. 

Spoilers and Ads

This is an informational post.

Item #1:  There are several more signings this week for the Host and because of that we will be posting the Q&A’s from those signings, like we have done with every other signing Stephenie has had.  There will undoubtedly be spoiler type things in these Q&A’s.  If you haven’t read the book and don’t want to be spoiled it stands to reason that you shouldn’t read the Q&A from her Host signings. 

A number of people put an enormous amount of work into compiling the signing reports.  We appreciate their efforts and applaud their service to the readers of this site.


Item #2:  Some of you have noticed a few inappropriate google ads popping up here and there.  The Google ads feed off of text posted on the Lexicon.  With the Host’s "love triangle", Google ads seem to interpreting that as well … well you can imagine.  Here is what you need to do when you see one of these ads:

1. Right click on the ad and copy the url of the ad picture.

2. Send the link to the picture url to the admin email address ([email protected]) with the subject heading of "Inappropriate Google Ad".

3. Alphie will then ban that ad.  But she can’t ban it unless she has that url.  So reporting that you saw one, unfortunately doesn’t do us any good unless we have that address.

Thank you for everyones help Lexiconers!  You guys rock!

In the News

A few articles were posted this weekend on Stephenie.

The Age from Australia (Shout out to our Aussie fans!) posted a lovely article on Stephenie here.

The Salt Lake Tribune adds to the Utah signing buzz.

The Journal News talks about the Stephenie Meyer phenomenon.

And Books on Board adds to the Host numbers announcing it as a #1 best selling ebook!