Spoilers and Ads

This is an informational post.

Item #1:  There are several more signings this week for the Host and because of that we will be posting the Q&A’s from those signings, like we have done with every other signing Stephenie has had.  There will undoubtedly be spoiler type things in these Q&A’s.  If you haven’t read the book and don’t want to be spoiled it stands to reason that you shouldn’t read the Q&A from her Host signings. 

A number of people put an enormous amount of work into compiling the signing reports.  We appreciate their efforts and applaud their service to the readers of this site.


Item #2:  Some of you have noticed a few inappropriate google ads popping up here and there.  The Google ads feed off of text posted on the Lexicon.  With the Host’s "love triangle", Google ads seem to interpreting that as well … well you can imagine.  Here is what you need to do when you see one of these ads:

1. Right click on the ad and copy the url of the ad picture.

2. Send the link to the picture url to the admin email address ([email protected]) with the subject heading of "Inappropriate Google Ad".

3. Alphie will then ban that ad.  But she can’t ban it unless she has that url.  So reporting that you saw one, unfortunately doesn’t do us any good unless we have that address.

Thank you for everyones help Lexiconers!  You guys rock!