Twilight Twitter 411

So, because there still seems to be so much confusion on who has a Twitter and who doesn’t, we thought we’d give you a run down:

The only public Twitter accounts that we can confirm as real are as follows:

Jamie Campbell Bower

Michael Sheen Michael just put up a series of photos (like 12 of them, one featured at the left) check them out.

There are a ton of fake, Kristen Stewart, Rob Pattinson, and Stephenie Meyer accounts. Be skeptical of supposed real accounts, here’s a couple easy ways tell when they are real or fake:

  • Photos are only of official PR shots
  • Tweets happen while actual filming is taking place. 2/3 of the supposed Rob and Kristen accounts send tweets when they are actually on set.
  • If a star has a real account that they have not disclosed to the public, their Tweets are most likely locked because it would be a PR nightmare otherwise. The likelihood of them friending someone they have never met to see private tweets is slim to none.
  • Check the stars official websites and interviews, and see if they mention their official twitters, MySpaces, Facebooks.
  • Check what accounts they are following. chances are they are not just following the accounts of fellow castmates, they do have other friends.

The phenomena isn’t limited to Twilight stars. Aparently someone has just faked a Kaleb Nation account too.  Kaleb just did a great story on how over 26,000 people have been fooled into friending a fake Stephenie Meyer account when clearly right on Stephenie’s own website she lists her only avenues of connecting with the public: MySpace, Twight Saga website (official run by her publisher), and

Here is the correct Kaleb Nation account, and here is the correct Twilight Lexicon account.