100 Monkeys: The Photographer’s View

The Jackson Rathbone oriented site, I Felt Hope, has secured an interview (not to mention some amazing pictures where we are respecting the request not to cross post) with Phoenix Taylor. He is a rising star in the photography world. He has covered numerous subjects including Jackson and the band as well as Jackson’s sister, and fellow visual artist, Kelly.

“You spent some time with 100 Monkey’s recently during Twicon. Describe what that experience was like especially from a photographer’s point of view.
In one paragraph of an interview? Yeah right! I will have to say, I spent almost 8 days with the 100 Monkeys and I would relive those days everyday again and again, like Groundhogs Day, for the rest of my life.
Well… maybe that is too much. But, you get the idea. There was not a moment with them, living with them, working with them, seeing them with their fans, cooking with Uncle Larry (barely) and just chilling with them that was not an amazing experience. I can not stress enough the amount of character the band has, let alone Jackson Rathbone! And, I know that is who people want to know about. The man was born for great things… from his music, to his acting and to his character as a human being. I don’t think I have met a man that could have more of a chip on his shoulder and yet there is absolutely NONE to be found! And, that alone speaks volumes about these guys!”

I was welcomed in as one of them, asked my opinions, heard and then released to seek out my vision for the band and they did everything they could to be what I needed them to be… which ironically, was just themselves!

See the rest on I Felt Hope.