New Moon Trailer

Our prediction: It will beat the odds and outsell the original at the box office. Sequels almost never sell more than the originals. This one is going to do it.


New Moon Trailer Viewing

The rumor that the New Moon trailer will make its debut attached to the Summit produced, Vanessa Hudgens flick, Bandslam is still  making its rounds. When we checked it out, Summit basically said there are no guarantees on that. It’s still way to early to say that for sure.

However it brings up an interesting question. In this article on OnTheFlix, they talk about how a movie like Bandslam could be helped in its ratings by people going to see the movie simply because they want to see the trailer on the big screen.

“They have targeted “Bandslam” because it’s audience will most likely be the same demographics that “New Moon” will have for the most part. Also Summit Entertainment is the movie studio for the “Twilight Saga” films and “Bandslam” so there’s another correlation for you. Basically Summit Entertainment wants to help promote it’s less high profile movie with it’s more high profile movie with the correct demographics so they can in turn make more money on both fronts.”

Now we definitely agree that it makes sense for a movie like Bandslam to have the trailer on it. If you are going for a young teen demographic as a part of your marketing, it’s pretty much a no-brainer. So, it certainly doesn’t hurt Bandslam or New Moon in any way.

On the other hand, do people (in particular women) go to movies these days just to see the trailer of an upcoming film, or do you wait to see it online? Do they do it if it’s a movie they have no desire to see otherwise? Last year at this time the rumors were circulating that the Twilight trailer would be shown in from of Speed Racer (the reality was it was pot luck, some places it was attached some places it wasn’t but you didn’t know that before buying your ticket), and if Speed Racer’s sales totals are any indication it doesn’t look like Twilight gave it any kind of boost.

So here’s the question:

Would you go to see Bandslam just to get a possible glimpse of New Moon?