Booboo Stewart and Tinsel Korey Punking Each Other

At the Parsippany, New Jersey stop of the Official Twilight Convention by Creation Entertainment, Booboo Stewart and his dad decided to pull a prank on Tinsel Korey.  Booboo and his dad constantly do things behind the scenes to trick the members of the wolfpack. It’s hilarious to watch them plotting because Booboo has this angelic, butter-won’t-melt-in-his-mouth innocent expressions and his dad (a stuntman, who is the size of an NFL linebacker) turns into this giddy, 13-year-old boy.

Anyway, the two of them get it into their heads that they are going to sneak into the back of Tinsel Korey’s Q & A session and then hit her with a prank question when it goes to questions being opened up to the floor. What they didn’t anticipate was the instead of staying on the stage, Tinsel decided to walk around the audience as she answered questions. So, she spotted them and turned the tables.

We got tipped off to what was going down about 10 seconds before Booboo snuck in. We had to record it all on Laura’s IPhone because there was no time to get a better camera.

So check it out. The audio is really clear. The video wobbles a bit because Laura was laughing really hard.

Booboo is winning us over in a really Mike Welch entertainer sort of way. You may just spot Laura wearing a Team Booboo shirt in the future.