MTV: Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart’s New Moon Chemistry

MTV had the opportunity to interview Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart on how the dynamic of their relationship changes in New Moon.

MTV: Kristen, in your opinion, how is the relationship between Bella and Jacob in “New Moon” different than the one between Edward and Bella in “Twilight”?

Kristen Stewart: It’s such a different relationship; it’s like entirely original.

MTV: It seems much more playful.

Stewart: Yeah, exactly. They’re light; they actually have fun with each other. Edward and Bella are always so strange, you know?

Taylor Lautner: It’s always so tense.

Stewart: And only he can bring her out of that rut. Like, she literally is going to die; she’s going to stop eating and be done. And the only thing that brings her out of it is this lightness [Jacob] brings.

Read the rest on MTV.