Charlie Bewley Q & A Burbank Convention

He’s making jokes about sitting in Aro’s throne. They are using that instead of their regualar chairs.

He says he’s seen the movie and everyone is on for a treat

His favorite part of playing Demetri: He said it hasn’t gone on enough for him. He loves it. Doesn’t want any other part in teh franchise. He says he’s 1,000 times better than Jane and Felix.  

After his filming of New Moon he went to Greece on a running holiday, then filmed in Germany then back to filming Eclipse

Most bizarre thing was having someone tatoo his face on her body. It looked good when done but he saw it him process when it was all red and blotchy.

Says Twilight fans are very respectful of him he’s never had issues with them

Jokes he was doing the Gangnam style video

 He enjoyed his stint on stage but he doesn’t feel in the long run it’s for him

Charlie jokes I have no pick up line I’m reaaly bad with women I’m on

On change since movies, he says he’s less mature

He feels bad for the intrusion of what’s happened to Kristen Rob and Taylor and doesn’t want that kind of life

Next role he’d love to be a superhero. There is actually an Australian novel that he’s working with

He feels really blessed to be a part of Twilight. He just wants to says thanks to all teh fans for making it what it is. He still can’t believe he’s a part of it

Worst scene to film was the elevator scene in New Moon because he was so new and unprpared he didn’t know what to think