MTV: Robert Pattinson Talks Tent Scene Reshoots

Robert talks about the tent scene reshoot. At the time various gossip sites tried to insinuate that the film was in massive trouble due to these reshoots. One went so far as to state that David Slade was being replaced, and Summit was in negotiations with Catherine Hardwicke and Chris Weitz to rescue the film. Obviously, this later proved to be complete fabrication. Ironically enough Rob saw the rough cut of the film the day after his scene was reshot (probably why he remembers it so clearly as you will see in the video) it was also the same version shown to the Oprah audience roughly 5 days later. So the film was essentially done at the time of the reshoots minus minor tweaking. Once the film opens in wide release, Alphie will give her thoughts on what the differences between the two versions were and which she liked better and why.