Taylor Lautner Would Do Twilight Over Again, No Second Thoughts

As the interviews with Taylor Lautner for Abduction continue, Taylor continues to get questions about the Twilight franchise. Fortunately for us he has no regrets.

Q. You were pretty young when you got “Twilight.” I’m wondering if you had a chance to do it all over again, would you take the blue pill? In other words, is the fame worth the loss of privacy?

A. I absolutely would do it again. I could not be more grateful to that franchise. It’s given all of us the opportunity to do other things. Frankly, I wouldn’t be doing “Abduction” if it weren’t for “Twilight.”

Q. It’s never a drag?

A. I wouldn’t call it a drag. There are pros and cons to everything. There are cons, like the paparazzi following you, but the cons are so minor compared to the pros.

Q. Are there any mixed feelings about having two more “Twilight” movies coming out while you’ve already moved on to another phase of your career?

A. I kind of love it. The three of us have been able to work on a “Twilight” movie and then work on something else in between, so we’re used to this. We go into “Twilight” mode, and then go out of “Twilight” mode.

Q. What is “Twilight” mode for you?

A. It’s just becoming Jacob Black. After five movies, it’s easy to get into his shoes.

Q. When you started the “Twilight” journey, did you imagine how big it might become?

A. We literally thought it was a small indie movie.

Q. So you guys weren’t thinking you were walking into the next “Batman” franchise?

A. Not at all. We never expected anything. It wasn’t at a huge studio. It wasn’t a huge budget. There weren’t any huge stars. We loved the movie and hoped that some people would see it.

Q. Describe the moment when you knew you had hit the jackpot?

A. Comic-con was the first moment that we realized this wasn’t your average movie. It was about three months before the movie opened. We walked into this auditorium, and there was this enormous roar of 7,000 people. We freaked out. We were so scared. This was the first time we experienced anything like that, and it was the moment we wondered what we had gotten ourselves into. And it doubled for “New Moon,” and that blew us away again. It just kept getting bigger and bigger.

Q. Let me reverse an earlier question about bittersweet feelings about the franchise continuing for two more films. Is it scary for you to let go of the safety of the franchise?

A. No, not really. I’m off doing other things, and I try to take it one moment at a time.

Q. I hope you have tremendous success in your new ventures, but what if you only experience modest success. Can you handle that?

A. You have to tell yourself that “Twilight” is “Twilight,” and nothing is going to be like that. That is a phenomenon that rarely happens, and I realize that. You have to accept that, or you’ll go crazy the rest of your career.

Q. You’re still only 19. Do you think you’ve missed out on anything because of your career?

A. Not as much as you might think. I have the same life I had before, but then I get to peek into this other world, and travel all over and make movies. I still have the same friends, and spend lots of time with my family.

Q. Can you go out on the street and grab a taco?

A. It might be interesting (laughs). We all insist that we don’t want to change our lives because of this “Twilight” thing, but you do have to make adjustments. You simply have to ask yourself: “When would be the best time to go to dinner, and where would be the best place to go?” But you don’t let it change your life.

Q. One final question: Will the fans be happy with the final two episodes of “Twilight?

A. They will be beyond happy. It’s the same franchise, but way different than anything they’ve seen before.

See the entire interview on the Orange County Register.