White Twilight For the UK

We aren’t really sure what sparked the color change, but now we have a glimpse of what a limited edition of Twilight in the UK is going to look like:

It’s not the first time the Brits have done their own thing with the book covers. You can see the original UK covers of New Moon and Twilight below. By the time Eclipse rolled around they decided to go with the the US edition cover.

According to The Bookseller: “The four limited-edition titles: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, will be published by Atom on 14th October as £7.99 paperbacks, available only in the UK and Ireland, and Little, Brown’s territories including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India. The white editions will not be available in the US.

The white titles will only be published between October and Christmas 2010, replacing the usual black jackets. The titles will have crimson-edged pages and crimson back covers, with text confined to the spines.”

There is no listing as of yet on Amazon UK, but generally speaking you can get UK published items sent to other parts of the world as long as you are willing to pay the shipping. EDITED: Search on Amazon UK for “Twilight Paperback, New Moon paperback” etc and you can preorder  http://wp.me/pZlGB-5bv Total cost for all four white version to USA is £39.91 which is roughly $63.00 at current conversion rates. That does not include shipping.