Lee Safar: Doesn’t Make the New Moon Cut

MTV is reporting that Lee Safar, who was originally short listed for the New Moon album, has not made the final cut of artists.  Clearly, they do like her work because she has been asked to resubmit for Eclipse. As part of Lee’s official statement obtained by MTV she stated:

Summit have advised my team that while they are more than impressed with the songs and with my fan base, the music that was submitted did not fit the overall tone of the soundtrack and won’t be used for “New Moon.” Summit continues to deal directly with my team, both here in Australia and in LA, and have requested that we submit a never-before-heard “Lee Safar” original track for the “Eclipse” soundtrack. To further solidify the relationship between the Lee Safar brand and the “Twilight” franchise, I have been booked for the Official “Twilight” Tour here in Australia next month and will be the only artist performing on this tour. I will be doing press, TV and radio alongside the “New Moon” stars Kellan Lutz, Chaske Spencer, Charlie Bewley and Tinsel Korey.”

See the whole Lee Safar story on MTV’s Hollywood Crush