Team Wolfpack? Get Your Footwear!

So if you are a Team Jacob or a Team Wolfpack person, you might want to check these Bob Basset creations out.

“…as seen in the most recent New York Times Style Magazine’s “Don’t Step On Her Toes,” now on the market are–wait for it–werewolf shoes! We are talking shoes with giant werewolf claws extending from them. A little traumatized by this? I know! Me, too. I am both immensely amused and disturbed. I quote:

“For those who run with wolves, Bob Basset, an artist from Kharkov, Ukraine, has created a tantalizing prototype. In addition to their conspicuous claws, his ”leather paw shoes” have foot pads on the underside (digital, metatarsal and tarsus) so wearers can feel lycanthropic to their very soles.”

Get the whole story on BeliefNet.