Nikki Finke Promises Eclipse News

Nikki Finke of Deadline Hollywood is still having a bit of a print war with other LA bloggers, media moguls, and studio bosses. If you remember, last week she called out Goldstein  of the LA Times and Eric Feig of Summit. This then lead to Feig claiming that he never gave the rather disparaging quote regarding Nikki’s reporting on Eclipse to Goldstein the LA Times to begin with.

So Nikki responds to those who have supposedly been trying to undermine her, and in the middle of her rather long blog that in our opinion reads like a CIA deep cover op meets conspiracy theory is this tidbit:

She also brought up my reporting that Summit Entertainment had picked director Juan Antonio Bayona to direct its Twilight threequel, Eclipse. Patrick jumped on this, too. I never said he was hired to helm. And, today tomorrow, I have more news on this story that further confirms what I wrote was accurate. If only Goldstein spent more time reporting about Hollywood, and less time reporting about me.

So, Nikki’s got something on Eclipse to support her earlier claim that Juan Antonio Bayora will helm it. Stand by for whatever “proof” there is.