Popstar.com Covers Twilight

PopStar has an interview with Kelsey Dettman who is creating the Twilight Fan Documentary.  

They have also announced the winners of their 2008 Celebrity Love Awards, and they are opening the nominations for their 2009 stars. Rob, Stephenie, Kristen, Taylor, Cam, Ashley, and Kellan all felt the fan love. According to PopStar, here is what the awards are about:

PopStar runs an annual contest each year called the Celebrity Love Awards.  Although the rules may differ for each year, one thing always remains the same:  By writing letters to your favorite celebrities, you officially nominate them as one of the most loved celebrities for that year.
The Celebrity Love Awards is an annual contest that is open from January 1 to December 31.  At the end of the year, we tally up the total number of letters each celebrity has received and announce which celebrities were the most loved.  We then mail all of those letters to the stars directly.
We make it as special as we can, both for the fans and the stars.  The celebrities who win are sent a magnificent package from us that includes a custom CD application that contains all of their fan mail.  They can read the letters exactly as you composed them on our website.
We even make it possible for them to create a celebrity account on our website, so you’ll know when something is truly written by them.  They can even respond to the letters you have written to them, which get posted to your personal profile.
Although we cannot guarantee their participation, we do know that many stars enjoy the packages they receive.  And given this is our third year of running this contest, we have made great strides in the entertainment community.  Your participation encourages theirs!