Don’t Get Ripped Off This Christmas

We just received the following from Brian of Twilight Teez, the only company authorized to sell official Stephenie Meyer jewelry.

“I find it absolutely necessary to bring to light something that has recently come to our attention regarding eBay auctions for Bella’s Engagement Ring.  We expected that folks would want to sell their Bella’s Engagement Rings on eBay, and that’s just fine and fair with us.  However, we feel a certain obligation to our customers to make you aware that there are listings which are trying to take advantage of fans of the Twilight series by including erroneous information and pushing their selling prices to outlandish and unfair levels.  These listings are going so far as to state that even our Fashion Edition rings are no longer available for sale from us, and list prices three to five times higher than you can buy from us directly.

These listings are NOT for Signature Edition rings, which are in fact no longer available.  These listings are for the standard edition rings which are available from our web site for $59.00.  Auctions such as this one are offering these rings at unfair and unprecedented prices.

We would also like to remind you that any ring purchased from eBay or any other third party, and not directly through Twilight Teez will not have the warranty for the item honored.  Warranties on our rings are extended ONLY to the original buyer of the ring from our store.

You may have questions if a certain ring available on eBay is authentic.  While we will not be able to verify the seller for you, we can verify if the ring was purchased originally through us and if the ring is authentic as described in the auction.  However, ultimately we are not responsible for eBay auctions and it is up to you, should you decide to buy a ring from an eBay auction, to work out any issues you may have with the seller.
