How Does It All Add Up?

There have been so many facts and figures lately, we thought we’d put a bunch here in one place:

70.6 million is what Twilight brought in it’s opening weekend.

1  is the place where Catherine Hardwicke is ranked as a female director’s opening weekend box office success. Twilight blew away by a landslide the previous record held by the director of Deep Impact.

"53 percent over the next 52 weeks" is how much experts are predicting Hot Topic stock is about to rise largely due to their Twilight merchandise.

250,000 unique visitors to the Lexicon with almost 2 million hits total from Thursday just before midnight through early Sunday

44 gig gone through over that period. This is more than double from stats taken just prior to Breaking Dawn’s release.

2 weeks early. Carter Burwell’s movie score is now available in ITunes. Ty to Nicole.

25 million is the number of copies the Twilight Saga has sold worldwide.