No War Here

There seem to be media outlets, perhaps because it’s a slow news week and they feel the need to create some type of story, that are harping on a book war and now a character war between The Harry Potter Books and the Twilight Saga. We are not linking to this type of lunacy anymore because all it does is give credence to what we consider to be a non-issue.

Taking a quick look around the fandom, it seems there are several other Twilight sites that are also as mystified as we are. Is there a team Gossip Girls vs. a Team Princess Diaries, vs a Team Traveling Pants? Is there a Team Gandalf vs. Team Aslan?  Is there and Anne of Green Gables vs. Little Women showdown death match? The answer is a pretty resounding "NO"!

As far as we can tell, they are two great book series that have inspired people to read and have racked up some pretty impressive sales numbers particularly in the teen market. After that, they don’t have a lot in common in that they are different genres of loosely Romance/vampire/fantasy vs. Quest/coming of age/fantasy.

Sure there are people who prefer either book who will partake in a nonsensical war as to which is better. However we don’t think they are indicative of the fans of both books as a whole. So here to leading a charge and recycling an old slogan we used back awhile ago:  WHO SAYS YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE!

There are plenty of real issues in the world to get riled up about,  making much ado about nothing and fighting over books is certainly not something this website has ever advocated and frankly we think it’s just plain stupid!

I am now going over to the First Book site where I can actually do something positive and meaningful regarding reading. I’m going to vote again and get some underprivileged kids some books. If you feel the same way. I encourage others to do the same.

(Who proudly typed this while wearing her Ravenclaw watch and Jacob’s bracelet.)