The Evening Post…

BooksonBoard is announcing a Twilight Rewards Quest for the Breaking Dawn Release. It is a contest and there will be awesome prizes for the winners — prizes like a first edition Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, rewards points for ebooks, and even a grand prize of a Cybook eBook reader. Check out there article for the rules and details!

P.S. The first clue will air on their RSS feed tomorrow and will continue until August 2nd!

Pattinson Online has some news about Robert’s latest movie, Little Ashes.


Reelz Channel has a preview of their coverage for SD Comic-Con including Twilight.


Entertainment Weekly is reporting that they will be sitting down with an exclusive one-on-one interview with Stephenie Meyer at SD Comic-Con. They are asking for Twilight fans to submit questions to ask Stephenie.

Guess what guys….Our favorite human’s birthday is coming up this week. Mike/Mike has updated his Myspace page with an early 21st birthday thank you and a few updates. Why don’t you go over and leave him a comment or two sending him lots of love!





Shock Till You has posted these promotional posters as part of their coverage of SD Comic-Con 08.