The Evening Post…

The official Twilight Movie website has updated with the latest Trailer and a brand new contest where fans can enter to win a official Twilight movie poster signed by the Twilight cast!!!



Publisher’s Weekly has an article about this Fall’s most anticipated novels. With Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer and Brisingr by Christopher Paolini, heralding the end of each of their series respectively, PW gives some new options of other series you might want to check out.



Blue October has updated their Myspace page to include the dates of the Breaking Dawn Concert Series. has an article about SD Comic-Con 08.

IGN Movies editor-in-chief Eric Moro will be moderating the Summit Pictures presentation at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, where fans will get to see exclusive footage from the highly anticipated screen adaptation of the bestseller Twilight.

The Blog Critic reviews The Host.


The Palm Beach Post has an article that gives a few interesting tidbits about the Twilight Series for the few people left on the face of the Earth that haven’t heard about the series.

Twilight Teez is back up and running. However, they are still experiencing a delay with the sale of Bella’s wedding ring due to their server turnover.