It’s Back, but still under construction

The blog is back, Some links are not working within things like character bios and mythology etc. Don’t worry, all the old information is here, it just has to be renamed. Right now certain links point back to the former URL. Pel tells me this is what the admins will be doing over the next month or so.

Until we relink everything back up, if you are really dying to find a specific post use the search function that we added and it should(in theory) find the file. Alternatively, you’ll notice the archive feature that has been added. If you know the approximate date that information was originally added, you can find the item by looking through that month’s archives. All-in-all the site is mostly functional.

Let us know of any broken links you see. By posting in the comments on this thread in case we miss one as we are working

The message boards (Forum) will be up as soon as possible. We will keep you posted.

24601 (Hi, I’m the new tech guy)