Booboo Stewart Works With the MDA

If you are over 35 you probably remember that Labor Day Weekend, aside from being the last chance at a summer holiday barbecue, is famous for the airing of the Jerry Lewis Telethon to fight the disease known as Muscular Dystrophy.

Jerry Lewis, who is now 84, has been tirelessly working for this cause for decades, using his influence to get others in Hollwood to make appearances and donate their time to bring awareness to this cause. In many ways, Jerry Lewis along with Danny Thomas (supporter of St. Judes) were really the pioneers in getting celebrities to spearhead charity events on an ongoing basis.

Well Booboo Stewart is now also working with to support this cause. According to the MDA site,

“Booboo Stewart, 16-year-old actor, singer, dancer, model and martial artist, is now also an MDA Celebrity Ambassador. He is performing and speaking at MDA events, fundraisers and gatherings of MDA national sponsors — and also will be hosting a segment of the Telethon.

Stewart, who stars in the recently released movie The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, has taped a variety of MDA television public service announcements (PSAs) and special appeals to help raise public awareness of MDA’s battle against muscular dystrophy. He is currently appearing in a PSA campaign for newspapers, magazines and websites as a member of the MDA Muscle Team, which includes top-name athletes, entertainers and actors.”

Now in case you can’t watch, you can support in a couple of ways. They have an online auction of memorabilia or you can directly donate.

Yesterday, Booboo was down at Millions of Milkshakes supporting the cause.