The Origins of the Spider Monkey line.

One of the most quoted lines of the Twilight movie is the “Hold on tight spider monkey.”  delivered by Robert Pattinson  just before he and Kristen Stewart take off into the trees.  As die hard Twilight fans realize, that line was not in the book.  So, did screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg pen that particular piece of dialogue? The answer is “no”.

Catherine Hardwicke tells MTV,

“I woke up in the middle of the night. I thought, ‘They’re going to be climbing that tree, and they’re not going to have anything to say. It’s just going to be another scene of them looking into each other’s eyes.’ ”

Unfortunately, the Writers’ Strike had begun, and “Twilight” screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg was no longer available to provide dialogue. “So I typed up, like, 10 ideas,” Hardwicke recalled. “And thought, “OK, maybe they could say this …’ “