The Evening Post…

The Free Press is looking for Twilight fans’ input about what you expect to happen in Breaking Dawn. Go offer them your predictions!

Popmatters has an article about "Travel Reads" – books you just might be itching to read this summer.


The Guardian from the UK has a review of The Host.

Publisher’s Weekly has a list of all of the novels to be released during the entire month of August. If you notice the number of copies of Breaking Dawn being released….it blows everyone else out of the water. Way to go Stephenie!



The Watertown Daily Times has an article offering up some fun summer reads that may help kids expand their horizons. Go check it out!  

Finally Laura (aka Jasper on Nox) over at Equinox (the Twilight RPG site) has informed us that they are in the process of setting up a "Vampire rock band" call Zenith.

We’re planning to play songs in the style of those on Stephenie’s playlists, and to maybe cover some of them copyright permitting. Anyway we are currently holding open auditions, mainly for a drummer and pianist although if anyone is able to play any other instruments  we’re open to suggestions. We’ve set up a page with further details for anyone that’s interested in auditioning which is located here: It’s all across the internet we’re planning to stick different parts together with music software so it doesn’t matter where they live as long as they have an instrument, microphone and internet access.

So if you are interested head on over and show them what you’ve got!