Stephenie’s German Tour

Below are some links we posted the other day to Stephenie reading on her German book signing tour. We will have some more detailed info up later this week, but for now we want to quash a rumor before it gets out of hand.  There is really an art to translation. It’s tough in normal circumstance, so I can only imagine how under pressure a translator felt next to Stephenie translating to 1,000’s of people. However a fairly big "oops" was made, and we want the record to be set straight. Thanks to Tuuli for pointing this out!

Stephenie was asked the following in Berlin:

Question from a German fan: About Twilight movie, and if there will also be movies based on other 3 books.

Stephenie’s original answer: They (I guess the movie company) are interested of making all four, but I haven’t given my final answer yet – so, it is not sure if there will be 4 movies or not.

Incorrect translation from the German translator: Yes, there will be 4 movies.

So, there you have it folks. Again, as of right now. The only movie Stephenie  has signed her rights over to is Twilight. Rights to any other book have not been given.

Now for YouTube as recored by HaileyAmanda

Stephenie reading part of Eclipse the section where Jasper is turned and then later when he met Alice.

Stephenie begins the Q&A talking about when and how she writes and how music fits in with her writing.

Stephenie during the Q&A talking about who Bella would be surprised was on the list of those who found her attractive.

Stephenie continues the Q&A talking about vampire heights.

Stephenie talks about how long it takes her to write and that she won’t divulge anything about book 4, and she states her favorite quote. She talks about having other vampire stories to tell after book 4, but they probably won’t happen for awhile.

Stephenie talking about liking her characters.

Stephenie confirms that venom can’t turn animals what type of guy was Stephenie attracted to and loving more than one person.

Stephenie talks mentions us (squee…)  and then talks about her dream that started Twilight.

Stephenie talks about how much she likes the actors and in particular Robert Pattinson.