Let’s Mobilize For Oprah

Unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock, you know that one of the biggest influences on what people read is Oprah Winfrey. Oprah is an AVID reader and she is currently deep into A New Earth which focuses on personal growth and change. In fact Oprah does more than just preach change. She goes out and makes it happen from The Big Give, to her girls success academy in South Africa, to her regular generosity on her daily show.  Any info on a book that has changed a teenager’s life – or an adult’s life – should be interesting to her. 

If we can show her that the Twilight Saga has changed THOUSANDS of lives, and in particular girls lives that’s something she should know about!  I mean let’s face it the Twilight Saga was written by a woman, the protagonist is an ordinary girl, the fans are mostly female teens and women, and the fansites are largely run by women. Let’s let Oprah hear about a book that has affected our lives for the positive.

So even though there is a movie coming out, we want this to be focused on the BOOKS.  Sure, we can pitch the movie as a bonus, but let’s make this about the books.  After all, none of us would be here if there hadn’t been a book FIRST. So here’s the plan, in order for this to work it needs to be a coordinated effort. Contact Oprah here on her show suggestions:



You have 2000 characters INCLUDING spaces to express your thoughts. Talk from the heart, say whatever you want, but make sure you mention Stephenie’s Website, the Lexicon and how much Lexiconers want to see Stephenie on Oprah.  We also personally recommend doing it in Word first then cutting and pasting it in the submission box this way you have a copy of what you are sending.


They must require that you submit your real name and address, so please, if you are under 18 years of age, make sure you talk to your parents first just as a precaution.